International trade is a multidisciplinary field encompassing the global economy (international trade theory, international financial theory, regional studies, international resource theory, and international management (international marketing, finance, and foreign investment)), and trade (the practice of trade, electronic trade, and international commerce), and is necessary for the formation of global experts and leaders in the age of globalization. As the complexity and diversity of the international society deepens and the importance of international commerce increases, the multidisciplinary nature of the academic field of international trade has become one of its strong points. As an advanced and specialized academic department, the Department of International Trade at Konkuk University (KU) has actively responded to changes in our society such as its increasing complexity and globalization, and with its future-oriented vision it will continue providing multi-disciplinary education.
Our department has brought together teaching staff from various academic fields and backgrounds, providing a curriculum covering diverse fields to meet the wide range of academic and educational needs of our students. We have been officially recognized as number one in the field of international trade (international commerce) in Korea.
The objective of the KU Department of International Trade is developing experts able to lead the age of globalization and intellectuals with knowledge from a broad range of academic fields including international economics, management and administration. We also aim to foster creative talent with practical skills and theoretical knowledge acquired through education tailored to the students. With our specialized educational approach designed with a focus on our students and as the leading department of its kind in Korea, we aim to reinforce our present position and offer a world-class education.