The Department of Education at Konkuk University (KU) conducts research on both theories and empirical facts related to education, divided into the five major areas: education management/administration, counseling psychology, curriculum studies, education psychology/measurement evaluation/gifted student education, and early childhood education. The recent addition of a new study stream which combines the subjects of education psychology, measurement evaluation and gifted student education into one major, allows students to select or transfer to majors that fit their academic interests. Alumni of the graduate programs at the Department of Education are active as pragmatic education theorists; competent as both professionals and research experts in the fields of early childhood education, education philosophy, curriculum studies, education measurement evaluation, education psychology (studies and development), and counseling/therapy; and superb education administrators.
The objective of the KU Department of Education is to develop the talent and research skills of education theorists and professionals capable of bringing about positive changes at education institutions based on a firm theoretical understanding of educational environments.