Payment method
- Registration Fee : 50,000KRW (Regarding tuition fee, Please check class schedule)
- The Bank Name : SHINHAN BANK
- Account number : 56100396038825 (Branch Code:2134199)
- Swift code : SHBKKRSE
- Account holder : Konkuk University (건국대학교)
- After completing documentation, tuition and registration fee should be transferred to the institute's bank account. The transaction should be made under the applicant's name.
Policies for refunds
- Documents : A copy of Refund Application form (KLI format) and a copy of bank book needs to be submitted.
- Eligibility : Third-person can not apply on the behalf of the student. Only when the student is not in Korea and have written an official letter of delegation, the third-person can apply.
- Withdrawal
- Aplication fee can't be refunded.
- 10days before the term begins: 100% refundable - Tuition fee and Dormitory fee
- 9days~1day before the term begins : 100% refundable - Tuition fee
- After the term begins: Non - refundable